Carlisle Brigham Champalimaud (July 20, 1983 – August 27, 2012), creative and musical, radiated joy and love to everyone she knew. Luminous in spirit and person, Carlisle illuminated the world around her.

On August 7th, 2012, Carlisle began to develop this website to publish her portfolio and to establish herself in the field of visual merchandising. Recorded earlier this year, this video offers a glimpse into her story, in her own words. Weeks later she would transition from her work as an Exhibitions Preparator and would complete her first retail project for Anthropologie and then Ralph Lauren, respectively.

Carlisle derived great pleasure from her participation in a mentoring program for disadvantaged middle-school girls at the Booker T. Washington Learning Center. This video was intended for that group of young girls.

Representing a broad spectrum of professions, talents and interest she and her fellow volunteers are each successful in their own right. Together they exemplify for the girls at the Learning Center that the journey to success is not linear and needn’t follow convention.

In remembrance of Carlisle, we invite you to support the Booker T. Washington Learning Center and the ongoing efforts by young, professional women who volunteer as mentors. Carlisle’s Fund will support mentoring programs to help young girls expand their life objectives, gain confidence in their own unique potential and offer them continued, consistent exposure to young women who share Carlisle’s own uplifting dedication to others.

Contributions may be made here or by check payable to Booker T. Washington Learning Center:

ATTN: Anthony Flores, Assistant Executive Director
The Booker T. Washington Center
325 East 101st Street        
NY, NY 10029

If you are interested in becoming a volunteer mentor please contact us.

Carlisle Champalimaud from CarlisleChampalimaud